So, what's the deal with the name

'Emerald Suspension'?

Members of Emerald Suspension give conflicting stories when asked about their name. 

Story A:  The initial idea for the name was raised during early work on what would become their first album, Playing the Market.   That project involved concepts centered around the stock market, money, and other financial stuff.  At that time the chair of the Federal Reserve was Alan Greenspan.  Green / span...hmmm...a color/and a type of bridge....



A different color?

A different bridge type?


But another story is also told about their choice of name.

Story B:  The Emerald Suspension name was inspired by a Phoenix nightclub called the Emerald Lounge (it later closed and subsequently re-opened).   At the time, the doors were occasionally locked and the club would host after-hours body suspension sessions.  More on body suspension later.  This story might be credible because you can hear some definite references in the lyrics of "Six Feet Closer" from the album, Divination


So it could be Story A, Story B, or both.  But wait...that is not even the strangest part about the name...


The Emerald Suspension Unholy Trinity

...each inverted in their own way